Part 1: What can be done to optimize health before menopause? (Yes, we can talk about this)

You can be strong and healthy when you get there.

Today we focus on the first of four key areas to focus on in the years before menopause, and beyond.


Build lean muscle

Even small changes in body composition can make a huge impact on overall health

  • WHY?

    • Skeletal muscle is the largest organ of the body and acts as an endocrine system

    • Muscle burns fuel and when active does not need insulin for glucose uptake - build a reservoir of muscle to optimize your metabolism!

    • Muscle enables our bodies to keep doing the activities we need and want to do safely and for longer - strength extends your quality of life!

    • Muscle mass declines as we age unless we provide the stimulus, building blocks, and recovery to tell the body to prioritize building and maintaining muscle.

    • Estrogen helps maintain muscle mass - build your base while it is easier, before hormone decline!

  • HOW?

    • Start or continue increasing strength training - provide stimulus to build muscle

      • Work with a personal training or join a class if just starting

      • Build gradually and consistently

      • Consider classes that focus on functional movements - movements that translate directly to real life strength demands

      • Consider doing a body composition test so you know your starting point and can assess progress

    • Get plenty of protein - provide building blocks to build and maintain muscle

      • Start the day with protein in your first meal

      • Have protein before and after strength training

      • It can be challenging to get enough protein - consider tracking with a target of 1g per pound of body weight spread out through the day

    • Pay attention to recovery - provide down time to make muscle

      • Growth, health, restoration, and recovery happen during sleep - invest in sleep quality and quantity

    Do not be afraid of muscle - skeletal muscle is the largest organ of the body and acts as an endocrine system. You want this to be robust!


Part 2: What can be done to optimize health before menopause? (Yes, we can talk about this)


Is a fire of Chronic Inflammation impacting your health?