Are you Ready to Feel Better?

Your health is a skill you can develop - you have much more control over your health and quality of life than you may think!


One area that can have a huge return on investment:

Avoiding or reversing insulin resistance

Why Avoid/ Reverse Insulin Resistance?

  • Insulin resistance (IR) is a precursor to many chronic diseases including prediabetes, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and cancer

  • Risk of IR increases with increasing age over 45

  • It is easier to address factors that influence IR before hormone decline

How do I know if I have IR?

  • Knowing your current hemoglobin A1c and fasting insulin helps identify where you are relative to insulin resistance

  • Signs can include: abdominal weight gain, elevated fasting triglycerides, elevated fasting glucose, low HDL

How can I avoid/reverse IR?

  • A 14 day Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) can help you learn what your body sees as a high glycemic (sugar/simple carb) load

  • Identify what foods, food combinations or timing cause YOUR blood sugar to spike

  • Get moving - increasing physical activity, reducing abdominal weight, and increasing lean muscle all work to improve metabolic health

Wait, what is insulin resistance?  

  • For years the body will try to keep up with high glycemic loads, using insulin to maintain normal blood levels

  • Early insulin resistance includes weight gain and elevated insulin levels as the body requires more insulin to manage the same load

  • The body produces plenty of insulin but the system to transport the glucose into the cells has become less able to respond to the constant heavy load

  • Baseline blood sugar levels rise and excess glucose that can’t be transported into the cells is used to make fat

Click here for a great video on IR from Stanford University


Are you ready to feel better?


Is a fire of Chronic Inflammation impacting your health?